Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photo Update

Long Overdue Photos
I only get time to upload photos when I fall sick.
How sad is that.

Merrill Lynch DnD Show with Fen
My best shot with Fen since everrrrr.

Pre Code:Edge "costume fixing" frenzy
*trivia: our costume was only tailored halfway. There was no time to fix the changes needed so we self customized! Bet you couldn't tell! hah!*

See Winnie frantically trying to finish ironing on her diamontes to our purple jacket. We called ourselves "The Brinjals" because we were so purple.

Sam and Shidah painstakingly sticking on diamontes to our new Kappa shoes, only to have them fall off minutes later when they had to wear them for costume run.
Note: The Kappa Shoes are very cheap. $29.90 for a pair at Queensway shopping centre. Looks good too!

Above mentioned Shoes. Now 10 times more expensive because of real Swarovski Crystals stuck to them.

GTO Babes

I love you very much "brinjals"! Let's dance together again!

Rendezvous in Patrick's Hotel Room
*It was 4am, I was very tired and had no form of makeup on, so i looked shitty*

I lurrve this picture. It's hilarious!

Gigi Torres! My superstar.

Us fooling around in said room. Dead looking me and Juice. 2 people trying to act cute =P.

Renovating my room

Clearing my room for renovation works.
Will update on it on and off.
My new room is going "zen", Come warm it up when it's done.


Anonymous said...

OMG patrick chen in glasses! and you were in his room?! OMG OMG OMG. haha. jealous much~

Anonymous said...

OMG patrick chen in glasses! and you were in his room?! OMG OMG OMG. haha. jealous much~