Sunday, December 2, 2007

Fight or Flight?

Have decided to blog a little more coherently tonight, rather then posting crazy rants, eye candy and funny bumper stickers. *maybe then, you'll understand my rant*

I'm really tired.
I don't sleep very well.
I've got bloody ugly eyebags.

Rehearsals for Code:Edge and a few shows almost back to back have been pretty taxing. I just updated my schedule book and I suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to just take flight and run away, far far far away. With my current schedule, I'm booked until end December and I have not even started adding in rehearsal slots and class slots for the performances and courses I have to do for my NUS clubs this coming January and February 08. There might even be a CAC Club Showcase Concert in March 08 which will be crazy if they do not tell me the plans soon so I can start planning.*ahem*

There is also an Urban Mix Show scheduled for June/July next year as well. *Pulls hair*

I was planning on doing an NCAP theory course - which is kinda required nowadays if you want to teach in schools, in January 08...But looking at my poor messily scribbled book, I doubt I can do it. Might push it back to April. Ahhh I feel so jumpy and distracted each time I start trying to fit in my schedules, seems like there are so many things and I cannot concentrate on any. The "Fight or Flight" mechanism in me is acting up and I'm swaying to the FLIGHT action heaaaavilyyy!

Well, okay, if I want to see it from a positive point of view....

busy schedule = earning money

So work hard, save up and then really take flight overseas for a good well deserved break! Also, the upcoming performances and showcases should be quite exciting and refreshing despite harsh schedules.

For short term prayers....Hope I make it to the competition without burning out early on. On the good side, dancing with GTO babes is a very fun and new experience. We're all really just dorks at heart. Let's make it work, girls!! Strong and sensual, strong and sensual!

Must rest more when I have the chance.
And stop munching on fattening titbits!

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