Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Too much Jazz and too little HipHop

So i mentioned in a previous post that I felt I had improved in strength flexibility and overall Jazz form and technique. Yes, I've been doing a lot more jazz of late and also getting better inspirations for my Jazz classes as compared to HipHop. Have not attended any hiphop classes since -I don't know when- , thus.....

I managed to squeeze time out for Bryan's class today after going missing for 3-4 weeks. I think I was horribly off form, yes I can get the steps but the feel didn't come at all and Bryan's classes you need a lot of feel. His feel. *Pulls Hair*

It's just one of those days where I feel like I've back-slided or just stayed stagnant while everyone else is pushing forward and improving so much. This pretty much happens when all I do is teach and give without getting any input myself. Not to mention some of the kids are major walking attitudes.

Studio Wu Recital in 2 months. Need to really buck up and push myself. This is partly the reason as to why I decided to do recital despite my packed schedule. I need to PUSH myself further. I want to work with Bryan and I want to go up another level.

I miss performing just for the sake of performing.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...



Etherea| says: said...
