Monday, June 18, 2007

This is the end of the Justice League

Today marks the end of the Justice League United Mascot Show!
It's been fun, guys!
*Piccies up tomorrow*

Show ran for 3 weeks and now it's finally over! Time for me to go get a life! I hope the accounts department processes the cash fast. I'm already planning for what I want to buy with the money.

Seeing that my Birthday is just around the corner*hint hint*, I have decided to splurge abit and pamper myself by getting one of the luxury items I have been eyeing since the start of this year. I'm going to use my own HARD EARNED cash to buy myself a PSP as a reward for working so hard. I figure it is going to come in handy when I'm in Japan. Entertainment on the go, for nights when I am unable to sleep and for long train and plane rides. So, if anyone is intending to get me anything, don't buy me the PSP...hahahahha so BHB.

Behold, the PSP

Remember the Macbook? It's on my luxury item list as well. Remember I am in a splurging mood right now because my Birthday is just around the corner? I am soooooo tempted to get the Macbook! I sooooo want the Macbook. I really wanna get it....should I get it? I'll have to sell my Toshiba first....grrrr. Anyway, I'm going to be thick skinned and ask first. Sooooo.....Does anyone feel like being a nice generous soul? Generous enough to sponsor my Macbook just because you love me so much? Drop me a message! *muacks*

"If you don't ask, you won't get?"
Well, I'm asking right now.

I'm going to show you what I have purchased from shopping sprees online thus far. I am eagerly awaiting their arrival. I hope there are no mistakes in items and they arrive before I leave for Japan.

Lastly, advanced notice.
I'm intending to head to Butter Factory on the 20th of July for a mini birthday celebration and all friends are invited.
Details will be up soon.

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