Thursday, August 30, 2007

Photos from Osaka part 3

Dinner with Bryan's friends' Meku and Reina at a DIY Takoyaki place.
Yes we get to make the Takoyaki balls ourselves...

Bryan oiling the hot plates.
( I rotated and saved already but it still uploads sideways...)

Flat takoyaki ingredients into unsightly takoyaki balls!
We now know we will never make it as takoyaki chefs!

Unsightly shapes but simply delicious! Happy faces after a yummy dinner.
The curry and cheese takoyaki were oishiiiiii....

Photos with instructors and dancers

Kato from D'oam

Sakitch from D'oam (left) Take from W.C.O/JIG (right)

Nori from Nasty (beside me in left picture)
Tom (posing very cutely behind us in right picture)

I don't want to go back Singapore!!!!!!
But I do miss chicken rice and durians....=PP

5 more days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi zhenzhi.

saw ur msn nick and dropped by. didn't even know you were gg to japan and now you're back..haha. anw abt the photos tt refuse to rotate, i had the same problem and my friend taught me so here's the solution (if you still need it). go to iPhoto Library and look for the "Modified" folder. that contains your rotated picture. upload the one in this folder and it should work.

hope it helps!

zhenyi (your ex split neighbour)